Equation-Directed Axiomatization of Lustre Semantics to Enable Optimized Code Validation

EMSOFT September 18 2023

Lelio Brun • Christophe Garion • Pierre-Loïc Garoche • Xavier Thirioux

Embedded Systems

Model-Based Design: SCADE

Lustre and Certified Compilation

Industrial Qualification

KCG Code Generator


Verified Compilation

Translation Validation



node count() returns (out: bool)
var time, ptime: int;
    init, b: bool;
  init = true -> false;
  b = (ptime = 3);
  time = if init then 0
         else if b then 0
         else ptime + 1;
  ptime = pre time;
  out = (time = 2);
node count() returns (out: bool)
var time, ptime: int;
    init, b: bool;
  out = (time = 2);
  b = (ptime = 3);
  ptime = pre time;
  time = if init then 0
         else if b then 0
         else ptime + 1;
  init = true -> false;
node count() returns (out: bool)
var time, ptime: int;
    init, b: bool;
  init = true -> false;
  b = (ptime = 3);
  time = if init then 0
         else if b then 0
         else ptime + 1;
  ptime = pre time;
  out = (time = 2);

// state initialization

// execution loop
while (1) {

  // execution step
  n_step(x, &y, &self);


node count() returns (out: bool)
var time, ptime: int; init, b: bool;
  init = true -> false;
  b = (ptime = 3);
  time = if init then 0 else if b then 0 else ptime + 1;
  ptime = pre time;
  out = (time = 2);

machine count {
  state ptime: int;
  instance a: _arrow;

  step () => (out: bool) {
    var time: int; init, b: bool;

    init := a.step(true, false);
    b := state(ptime) = 3;
    if (init) { time := 0 } else { if (b) { time := 0 } else { time := state(ptime) + 1 } }
    state(ptime) := time;
    out := (time = 2);

machine count {
  state ptime: int;
  instance a: _arrow;

  step () => (out: bool) {
    var time: int; init, b: bool;

    init := a.step(true, false);
    b := state(ptime) = 3;
    if (init) { time := 0 } else { if (b) { time := 0 } else { time := state(ptime) + 1 } }
    state(ptime) := time;
    out := (time = 2);

struct count_mem { _Bool _reset; int ptime; struct _arrow_mem *a; };

#define count_set_reset(self) { self->_reset = 1; }
void count_clear_reset(struct count_mem *self ) {
  if (self->_reset) {
    self->_reset = 0;

void count_step(_Bool *out, struct count_mem *self) {
  int time; _Bool init, b;
  init = _arrow_step(self->a);
  b = self->ptime == 3;
  if (init) { time = 0; } else { if (b) { time = 0; } else { time = self->ptime + 1; } }
  self->ptime = time;
  *out = time == 2;

node count() returns (out: bool)
var time, ptime: int;
    init, b: bool;
  init = true -> false;
  b = (ptime = 3);
  time = if init then 0
         else if b then 0
         else ptime + 1;
  ptime = pre time;
  out = (time = 2);
\[ \newcommand\paren[1]{\left(#1\right)} \newcommand\trname[2]{\mathop{#2\_\mathit{tr}_{#1}}} \newcommand\tr[5]{\trname{#1}{#2}\!\paren{#3,#4,#5}} \newcommand\treel[2]{#1\!\paren{#2}} \newcommand\treen[2]{#1\!\left[#2\right]} \begin{split} & \tr{} {count} S {out} {S'} \triangleq \\ & \quad \tr{5} {count} S {out} {S'} \\ & \quad\quad\begin{aligned} & \phantom{\wedge \exists b,\, init,}\\ & \quad\quad\begin{aligned} & \phantom{\wedge \tr{} {arrow} {\treen S a} {init} {\treen {S'} a}} \\ & \phantom{\wedge b = \left(\treel S {ptime} = 3\right)} \\ & \phantom{\wedge init \implies {time = 0}} \\ & \phantom{\wedge (\neg {init} \wedge b) \implies {time = 0}} \\ & \phantom{\wedge (\neg {init} \wedge \neg b) \implies time = \treel S {ptime} + 1} \\ \end{aligned} \\ & \phantom{\wedge \treel {S'} {ptime} = time}\\ & \phantom{\wedge out = \left(time = 2\right)} \\ \end{aligned} \end{split} \]

node count() returns (out: bool)
var time, ptime: int;
    init, b: bool;
  init = true -> false;
  b = (ptime = 3);
  time = if init then 0
         else if b then 0
         else ptime + 1;
  ptime = pre time;
  out = (time = 2);
\[ \newcommand\paren[1]{\left(#1\right)} \newcommand\trname[2]{\mathop{#2\_\mathit{tr}_{#1}}} \newcommand\tr[5]{\trname{#1}{#2}\!\paren{#3,#4,#5}} \newcommand\treel[2]{#1\!\paren{#2}} \newcommand\treen[2]{#1\!\left[#2\right]} \begin{split} & \tr{} {count} S {out} {S'} \triangleq \\ & \quad \exists time,\\ & \quad\quad\begin{aligned} & \phantom{\wedge} \tr{4} {count} S {time} {S'}\\ & \quad\quad\begin{aligned} & \phantom{\wedge \tr{} {arrow} {\treen S a} {init} {\treen {S'} a}} \\ & \phantom{\wedge b = \left(\treel S {ptime} = 3\right)} \\ & \phantom{\wedge init \implies {time = 0}} \\ & \phantom{\wedge (\neg {init} \wedge b) \implies {time = 0}} \\ & \phantom{\wedge (\neg {init} \wedge \neg b) \implies time = \treel S {ptime} + 1} \\ \end{aligned} \\ & \phantom{\wedge \treel {S'} {ptime} = time}\\ & \wedge out = \left(time = 2\right) \\ \end{aligned} \end{split} \]

node count() returns (out: bool)
var time, ptime: int;
    init, b: bool;
  init = true -> false;
  b = (ptime = 3);
  time = if init then 0
         else if b then 0
         else ptime + 1;
  ptime = pre time;
  out = (time = 2);
\[ \newcommand\paren[1]{\left(#1\right)} \newcommand\trname[2]{\mathop{#2\_\mathit{tr}_{#1}}} \newcommand\tr[5]{\trname{#1}{#2}\!\paren{#3,#4,#5}} \newcommand\treel[2]{#1\!\paren{#2}} \newcommand\treen[2]{#1\!\left[#2\right]} \begin{split} & \tr{} {count} S {out} {S'} \triangleq \\ & \quad \exists time,\\ & \quad\quad\begin{aligned} & \phantom{\wedge}\tr{3} {count} S {time} {S'}\\ & \quad\quad\begin{aligned} & \phantom{\wedge \tr{} {arrow} {\treen S a} {init} {\treen {S'} a}} \\ & \phantom{\wedge b = \left(\treel S {ptime} = 3\right)} \\ & \phantom{\wedge init \implies {time = 0}} \\ & \phantom{\wedge (\neg {init} \wedge b) \implies {time = 0}} \\ & \phantom{\wedge (\neg {init} \wedge \neg b) \implies time = \treel S {ptime} + 1} \\ \end{aligned} \\ & \wedge \treel {S'} {ptime} = time\\ & \wedge out = \left(time = 2\right) \\ \end{aligned} \end{split} \]

node count() returns (out: bool)
var time, ptime: int;
    init, b: bool;
  init = true -> false;
  b = (ptime = 3);
  time = if init then 0
         else if b then 0
         else ptime + 1;
  ptime = pre time;
  out = (time = 2);
\[ \newcommand\paren[1]{\left(#1\right)} \newcommand\trname[2]{\mathop{#2\_\mathit{tr}_{#1}}} \newcommand\tr[5]{\trname{#1}{#2}\!\paren{#3,#4,#5}} \newcommand\treel[2]{#1\!\paren{#2}} \newcommand\treen[2]{#1\!\left[#2\right]} \begin{split} & \tr{} {count} S {out} {S'} \triangleq \\ & \quad \exists time,\\ & \quad\quad\begin{aligned} & \phantom{\wedge}\exists b,\, init, \\ & \quad\quad\begin{aligned} & \phantom{\wedge} \tr{2} {count} S {time} {S'} \\ & \phantom{\wedge b = \left(\treel S {ptime} = 3\right)} \\ & \wedge init \implies {time = 0} \\ & \wedge (\neg {init} \wedge b) \implies {time = 0} \\ & \wedge (\neg {init} \wedge \neg b) \implies time = \treel S {ptime} + 1 \\ \end{aligned} \\ & \wedge \treel {S'} {ptime} = time\\ & \wedge out = \left(time = 2\right) \\ \end{aligned} \end{split} \]

node count() returns (out: bool)
var time, ptime: int;
    init, b: bool;
  init = true -> false;
  b = (ptime = 3);
  time = if init then 0
         else if b then 0
         else ptime + 1;
  ptime = pre time;
  out = (time = 2);
\[ \newcommand\paren[1]{\left(#1\right)} \newcommand\trname[2]{\mathop{#2\_\mathit{tr}_{#1}}} \newcommand\tr[5]{\trname{#1}{#2}\!\paren{#3,#4,#5}} \newcommand\treel[2]{#1\!\paren{#2}} \newcommand\treen[2]{#1\!\left[#2\right]} \begin{split} & \tr{} {count} S {out} {S'} \triangleq \\ & \quad \exists time,\\ & \quad\quad\begin{aligned} & \phantom{\wedge}\exists b,\, init, \\ & \quad\quad\begin{aligned} & \phantom{\wedge} \tr{1} {count} S {time} {S'} \\ & \wedge b = \left(\treel S {ptime} = 3\right) \\ & \wedge init \implies {time = 0} \\ & \wedge (\neg {init} \wedge b) \implies {time = 0} \\ & \wedge (\neg {init} \wedge \neg b) \implies time = \treel S {ptime} + 1 \\ \end{aligned} \\ & \wedge \treel {S'} {ptime} = time\\ & \wedge out = \left(time = 2\right) \\ \end{aligned} \end{split} \]

node count() returns (out: bool)
var time, ptime: int;
    init, b: bool;
  init = true -> false;
  b = (ptime = 3);
  time = if init then 0
         else if b then 0
         else ptime + 1;
  ptime = pre time;
  out = (time = 2);
\[ \newcommand\paren[1]{\left(#1\right)} \newcommand\trname[2]{\mathop{#2\_\mathit{tr}_{#1}}} \newcommand\tr[5]{\trname{#1}{#2}\!\paren{#3,#4,#5}} \newcommand\treel[2]{#1\!\paren{#2}} \newcommand\treen[2]{#1\!\left[#2\right]} \begin{split} & \tr{} {count} S {out} {S'} \triangleq \\ & \quad \exists time,\\ & \quad\quad\begin{aligned} & \phantom{\wedge} \exists b,\, init,\\ & \quad\quad\begin{aligned} & \phantom{\wedge} \tr{} {arrow} {\treen S a} {init} {\treen {S'} a} \\ & \wedge b = \left(\treel S {ptime} = 3\right) \\ & \wedge init \implies {time = 0} \\ & \wedge (\neg {init} \wedge b) \implies {time = 0} \\ & \wedge (\neg {init} \wedge \neg b) \implies time = \treel S {ptime} + 1 \\ \end{aligned} \\ & \wedge \treel {S'} {ptime} = time\\ & \wedge out = \left(time = 2\right) \\ \end{aligned} \end{split} \]

node count() returns (out: bool)
var time, ptime: int;
    init, b: bool;
  init = true -> false;
  b = (ptime = 3);
  time = if init then 0
         else if b then 0
         else ptime + 1;
  ptime = pre time;
  out = (time = 2);
\[ \newcommand\paren[1]{\left(#1\right)} \newcommand\trname[2]{\mathop{#2\_\mathit{tr}_{#1}}} \newcommand\tr[5]{\trname{#1}{#2}\!\paren{#3,#4,#5}} \newcommand\treel[2]{#1\!\paren{#2}} \newcommand\treen[2]{#1\!\left[#2\right]} \begin{split} & \tr{} {count} S {out} {S'} \triangleq \\ & \quad \exists time,\\ & \quad\quad\begin{aligned} & \phantom{\wedge} \exists b,\, init,\\ & \quad\quad\begin{aligned} & \phantom{\wedge} \tr{} {arrow} {\treen S a} {init} {\treen {S'} a} \\ & \wedge b = \left(\treel S {ptime} = 3\right) \\ & \wedge init \implies {time = 0} \\ & \wedge (\neg {init} \wedge b) \implies {time = 0} \\ & \wedge (\neg {init} \wedge \neg b) \implies time = \treel S {ptime} + 1 \\ \end{aligned} \\ & \wedge \treel {S'} {ptime} = time\\ & \wedge out = \left(time = 2\right) \\ \end{aligned} \end{split} \]

/*@ requires count_pack(*mem, self);
    ensures count_pack(*mem, self);
    ensures count_tr(\old(*mem), *out, *mem); */
void count_step(_Bool *out, struct count_mem *self)
     /*@ ghost (struct count_mem_ghost \ghost *mem) */ {
  int time; _Bool init, b;
  init = _arrow_step(self->a) /*@ ghost (&mem->a) */;
  //@ assert count_tr1(\at(*mem, Pre), b, *mem);
  b = self->ptime == 3;
  //@ assert count_tr2(\at(*mem, Pre), b, init, *mem);
  if (init) { time = 0; } else { if (b) { time = 0; } else { time = self->ptime + 1; } }
  //@ assert count_tr3(\at(*mem, Pre), time, *mem);
  self->ptime = time;
  //@ ghost mem->ptime = time;
  //@ assert count_tr4(\at(*mem, Pre), time, *mem);
  *out = time == 2;
  //@ assert count_tr5(\at(*mem, Pre), *out, *mem);

Verification with Frama-C


~400 files✓ 92.7%
~231 500 POs✓ 99.9%


type en1 = enum { On, Off };
type en2 = enum { Up, Down };

node clocks (x: int) returns (y: int)
var c: en1 clock; d: en2 clock; b1, b2, b3, z: int; c1, c2: bool
  c1 = (x >= 0);
  d = if c1 then Up else Down;
  c2 = (x = 0) when Up(d);
  c = if c2 then Off else On;
  b2 = 2 when Off(c);
  b1 = 1 when On(c);
  z = merge c (On -> b1) (Off -> b2);
  b3 = 3 when Down(d);
  y = merge d (Up -> z) (Down -> b3);
type en1 = enum { On, Off };
type en2 = enum { Up, Down };

node clocks (x: int) returns (y: int)
var c: en1 clock; d: en2 clock; b1, b2, b3, z: int; c1, c2: bool
  c1 = (x >= 0);
  d = if c1 then Up else Down;
  c2 = (x = 0) when Up(d);
  c = if c2 then Off else On;
  b2 = 2 when Off(c);
  b1 = 1 when On(c);
  z = merge c (On -> b1) (Off -> b2);
  b3 = 3 when Down(d);
  y = merge d (Up -> z) (Down -> b3);
type en1 = enum { On, Off };
type en2 = enum { Up, Down };

node clocks (x: int) returns (y: int)
var c: en1 clock; d: en2 clock; b1, b2, b3, z: int; c1, c2: bool
  c1 = (x >= 0);
  d = if c1 then Up else Down;
  c2 = (x = 0) when Up(d);
  c = if c2 then Off else On;
  b2 = 2 when Off(c);
  b1 = 1 when On(c);
  z = merge c (On -> b1) (Off -> b2);
  b3 = 3 when Down(d);
  y = merge d (Up -> z) (Down -> b3);
type en1 = enum { On, Off };
type en2 = enum { Up, Down };

node clocks (x: int) returns (y: int)
var c: en1 clock; d: en2 clock; b1, b2, b3, z: int; c1, c2: bool
  c1 = (x >= 0);
  d = if c1 then Up else Down;
  c2 = (x = 0) when Up(d);
  c = if c2 then Off else On;
  b2 = 2 when Off(c);
  b1 = 1 when On(c);
  z = merge c (On -> b1) (Off -> b2);
  b3 = 3 when Down(d);
  y = merge d (Up -> z) (Down -> b3);
step (x: int) => (y: int) {
  var c: en1; d: en2; b1, b2, b3, z: int; c1, c2: bool;
  c1 := x >= 0;
  //@ clocks_tr1(x, c1)
  if (c1) { d := Up } else { d := Down }
  //@ clocks_tr2(x, d)
  case (d) { Up: c2 := x = 0 }
  //@ clocks_tr3(x, d, c2)
  case (d) { Up: if (c2) { c := Off } else { c := On } }
  //@ clocks_tr4(x, d, c)
  case (d) { Up: case (c) { Off: b2 := 2 } }
  //@ clocks_tr5(x, d, c, b2)
  case (d) { Up: case (c) { On: b1 := 1 } }
  //@ clocks_tr6(x, d, c, b1, b2)
  case (d) { Up: case (c) { On: z := b1 ; Off: z := b2 } }
  //@ clocks_tr7(x, d, z)
  case (d) { Down: b3 := 3 }
  //@ clocks_tr8(x, d, b3, z)
  case (d) { Up: y := z ; Down: y := b3 }
  //@ clocks_tr9(x, y)

Conditionals fusion

step (x: int) => (y: int) {
  var c: en1; d: en2; b1, b2, b3, z: int; c1, c2: bool;
  c1 := x >= 0;
  //@ clocks_tr1(x, c1)
  if (c1) { d := Up } else { d := Down }
  //@ clocks_tr2(x, d)
  case (d) { Up: c2 := x = 0 }
  //@ clocks_tr3(x, d, c2)
  case (d) { Up: if (c2) { c := Off } else { c := On } }
  //@ clocks_tr4(x, d, c)
  case (d) { Up: case (c) { Off: b2 := 2 } }
  //@ clocks_tr5(x, d, c, b2)
  case (d) { Up: case (c) { On: b1 := 1 } }
  //@ clocks_tr6(x, d, c, b1, b2)
  case (d) { Up: case (c) { On: z := b1 ; Off: z := b2 } }
  //@ clocks_tr7(x, d, z)
  case (d) { Down: b3 := 3 }
  //@ clocks_tr8(x, d, b3, z)
  case (d) { Up: y := z ; Down: y := b3 }
  //@ clocks_tr9(x, y)
step (x: int) => (y: int) {
  var c: en1; d: en2; b1, b2, b3, z: int; c1, c2: bool;
  c1 := x >= 0;
  //@ clocks_tr1(x, c1)
  if (c1) { d := Up } else { d := Down }
  //@ clocks_tr2(x, d)
  case (d) {
      c2 := x = 0;
      if (c2) { c := Off } else { c := On }
      case (c) {
          b1 := 1;
          z := b1;
          b2 := 2;
          z := b2;
      y := z;
      b3 := 3;
      y := b3;
  //@ clocks_tr3(x, d, c2)
  //@ clocks_tr4(x, d, c)
  //@ clocks_tr5(x, d, c, b2)
  //@ clocks_tr6(x, d, c, b1, b2)
  //@ clocks_tr7(x, d, z)
  //@ clocks_tr8(x, d, b3, z)
  //@ clocks_tr9(x, y)

Variable inlining

step (x: int) => (y: int) {
  var c: en1; d: en2; b1, b2, b3, z: int; c1, c2: bool;
  c1 := x >= 0;
  //@ clocks_tr1(x, c1)
  if (c1) { d := Up } else { d := Down }
  //@ clocks_tr2(x, d)
  case (d) {
      c2 := x = 0;
      if (c2) { c := Off } else { c := On }
      case (c) {
          b1 := 1;
          z := b1;
          b2 := 2;
          z := b2;
      y := z;
      b3 := 3;
      y := b3;
  //@ clocks_tr3(x, d, c2)
  //@ clocks_tr4(x, d, c)
  //@ clocks_tr5(x, d, c, b2)
  //@ clocks_tr6(x, d, c, b1, b2)
  //@ clocks_tr7(x, d, z)
  //@ clocks_tr8(x, d, b3, z)
  //@ clocks_tr9(x, y)
step (x: int) => (y: int) {
  var c: en1; d: en2; z: int; //@ ghost b1, b2, b3: int; c1, c2: bool
  //@ c1 := x >= 0
  //@ clocks_tr1(x, c1)
  if (x >= 0) { d := Up } else { d := Down }
  //@ clocks_tr2(x, d)
  case (d) {
      //@ c2 := x = 0
      if (x = 0) { c := Off } else { c := On }
      case (c) {
          //@ b1 := 1
          z := 1;
          //@ b2 := 2
          z := 2;
      y := z;
      //@ b3 := 3
      y := 3;
  //@ clocks_tr3(x, d, c2)
  //@ clocks_tr4(x, d, c)
  //@ clocks_tr5(x, d, c, b2)
  //@ clocks_tr6(x, d, c, b1, b2)
  //@ clocks_tr7(x, d, z)
  //@ clocks_tr8(x, d, b3, z)
  //@ clocks_tr9(x, y)

Variable recycling

step (x: int) => (y: int) {
  var c: en1; d: en2; z: int; //@ ghost b1, b2, b3: int; c1, c2: bool
  //@ c1 := x >= 0
  //@ clocks_tr1(x, c1)
  if (x >= 0) { d := Up } else { d := Down }
  //@ clocks_tr2(x, d)
  case (d) {
      //@ c2 := x = 0
      if (x = 0) { c := Off } else { c := On }
      case (c) {
          //@ b1 := 1
          z := 1;
          //@ b2 := 2
          z := 2;
      y := z;
      //@ b3 := 3
      y := 3;
  //@ clocks_tr3(x, d, c2)
  //@ clocks_tr4(x, d, c)
  //@ clocks_tr5(x, d, c, b2)
  //@ clocks_tr6(x, d, c, b1, b2)
  //@ clocks_tr7(x, d, z)
  //@ clocks_tr8(x, d, b3, z)
  //@ clocks_tr9(x, y)
step (x: int) => (y: int) {
  var c: en1; d: en2; //@ ghost b1, b2, b3, z: int; c1, c2: bool
  //@ c1 := x >= 0
  //@ clocks_tr1(x, c1)
  if (x >= 0) { d := Up } else { d := Down }
  //@ clocks_tr2(x, d)
  case (d) {
      //@ c2 := x = 0
      if (x = 0) { c := Off } else { c := On }
      case (c) {
          //@ b1 := 1
          y := 1;
          //@ z := y
          //@ b2 := 2
          y := 2;
          //@ z := y
      //@ b3 := 3
      y := 3;
  //@ clocks_tr3(x, d, c2)
  //@ clocks_tr4(x, d, c)
  //@ clocks_tr5(x, d, c, b2)
  //@ clocks_tr6(x, d, c, b1, b2)
  //@ clocks_tr7(x, d, z)
  //@ clocks_tr8(x, d, b3, z)
  //@ clocks_tr9(x, y)

Enum elimination

step (x: int) => (y: int) {
  var c: en1; d: en2; //@ ghost b1, b2, b3, z: int; c1, c2: bool
  //@ c1 := x >= 0
  //@ clocks_tr1(x, c1)
  if (x >= 0) { d := Up } else { d := Down }
  //@ clocks_tr2(x, d)
  case (d) {
      //@ c2 := x = 0
      if (x = 0) { c := Off } else { c := On }
      case (c) {
          //@ b1 := 1
          y := 1;
          //@ z := y
          //@ b2 := 2
          y := 2;
          //@ z := y
      //@ b3 := 3
      y := 3;
  //@ clocks_tr3(x, d, c2)
  //@ clocks_tr4(x, d, c)
  //@ clocks_tr5(x, d, c, b2)
  //@ clocks_tr6(x, d, c, b1, b2)
  //@ clocks_tr7(x, d, z)
  //@ clocks_tr8(x, d, b3, z)
  //@ clocks_tr9(x, y)
step (x: int) => (y: int) {
  //@ ghost c: en1; d: en2; b1, b2, b3, z: int; c1, c2: bool
  //@ c1 := x >= 0
  //@ clocks_tr1(x, c1)
  if (x >= 0) {
    //@ d := Up
    //@ c2 := x = 0
    if (x = 0) {
      //@ c := Off
      //@ b2 := 2
      y := 2;
      //@ z := y
    } else {
      //@ c := On
      //@ b1 := 1
      y := 1;
      //@ z := y
  } else {
    //@ d := Down
    //@ b3 := 3
    y := 3;
  //@ clocks_tr2(x, d)
  //@ clocks_tr3(x, d, c2)
  //@ clocks_tr4(x, d, c)
  //@ clocks_tr5(x, d, c, b2)
  //@ clocks_tr6(x, d, c, b1, b2)
  //@ clocks_tr7(x, d, z)
  //@ clocks_tr8(x, d, b3, z)
  //@ clocks_tr9(x, y)


  • Extension of a Lustre compiler to support Translation Validation
  • High automatic verification success rate
  • Aggressive validated optimizations


  • Functional contracts from Lustre to C
  • Floats
  • Arrays
  • More optimizations